Alright to be honest I am writing a review so I can post my referal link to try to get more space on dropbox. Here is the referal link. If you sign up, you and I will both get 250 more MB on top of the 2 Gbytes. So if you sign up, I thank you in advance!!.  With that note if your a current user of dropbox, you can get more space by following this link.

Dropbox allows you to have a common folder on multiple computers and the web. So you install dropbox on the computers you want to sync folders with. I believe the default Windows XP folder is ( C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\My Documents\My Dropbox ) But you can move it around. Then any files or folders you drop in there are synced with the online dropbox website. If you have multiple computers each computer will receive updates of the new files synced. I currently have a ubuntu, Windows xp, and Windows Vista Box synced up. It also has a OS X installer.  It works very well to always have the files I commonly use.Also if your on the go you can access the dropbox website it will allow you to download a file or look at a picture. Another nice feature is the public folder which allows you to put files you want to share with the internet.

The screenshot I took shows a few folders sync ( blue arrows ) while the folder icons with green arrows are all up to date.


Another thing dropbox does is puts an icon ( I know ANOTHER ICON) in your taskbar and shows a little picture if its syncing or up to date. I am not really to sure what else to say about dropbox. If you have any questions or comments leave them below.

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