A couple of days ago that Kayla and I got blackberry’s. Its a Blackberry curve 8310. So far I really enjoy it. It has internet and will do email, IM’s, and everything else you want a mobile phone to do.
My biggest problem is blackberry’s crappy integration with gmail. I cant find a happy median. There seems to be serveral ways to do it.
- Use blackberry’s email client and just use there special setup. Its a mix of pop3 and imap. My problem is when you read something on your blackberry or gmail, it doesn’t show up as read on the other. And when I send an email from my gmail web account, it would show up on my blackberry.
- Use Blackberry and gmails IMAP email. But email isnt instant push to your phone.
- You basically setup a blackberry email address forward your gmail to it, and setup a few filters.
- Use the gmail app but it doesnt do instant push to the phone either.
I am not happy with any of them. I will have to update what I will do in the future… Come on gmail and blackberry work together!!!
I went back to solution 1, I was using 3, but then I couldn’t delete any of my mail, since I don’t send out that many emails, I figured getting a few extra on my blackberry.
Next time, I am going to post my favorite blackberry apps.
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