2017 Desktop build – AMD Ryzen 7 1700

It’s that time again—time to build a new computer! My last build was way back in 2010 (check it out here: https://akschaefer.com/2010/03/11/my-new-desktop/), and it’s definitely starting to show its age.

The first big decision was AMD vs. Intel, and from there, the rest of the parts naturally fell into place. As a long-time AMD fan, I decided to go with the AMD and the new Ryzen series which has great reviews. Lets jump to the parts list

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First off, this Ryzen 7 1700 is a solid 8 core processor that offers excellent performance for its price. 16 GB seems to be the standard for memory these days. This will be my first SSD, excited to see how fast windows will boot after I get it installed. Finally, to house all these components, I chose the LIAN LI PC-K6SX case in black. This case is sleek and is marketed as quiet which includes sound dampening on the side panels and really is whisper quiet.

Update: 2025, these PC has been running strong. I have made some updates along the way

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