Exploring what Toulouse, France, brings to the table.

This will be more of photo sharing then a tour guide. While on work travel, I had some free time to do some site seeing while in Toulouse.

First we will start off with the Capitole De Toulouse, always a very busy place. Recommend going inside if you can and look at the beautiful paintings as well.

My favorite story is I was eating dinner one night at a restaurant across from the capital. I am unsure if its this area or all of France, but duck is a popular dish to eat. I ordered duck breast as my meal, the waiter asked me how I would like it done, thinking in my head, duck is poultry and it should be cooked thoroughly (well done). Well the waiter was nice (or brave enough) to tell me that it wouldn’t taste that good, so I was like okay, what do you suggest? He told me, something like medium or medium rare, and I was like sure, lets go with that. Glad the waiter spoke up and I took his suggestion, the food was delicious!

They like their Carousels it appears. Found two of them. I am sure there is some history to them, if you know what it is, feel free to let me know.

This one is the Carousel du Jardin Pierre Goudouli.

I was unable to find the name of this one.

While I am not a big church person, I did stop at the local church – Basilique Saint-Sernin de Toulouse

They have a ton of bridges like that go over the river.

The food was always good everywhere you went, so be sure to explore different dinning options. While I am more of a beer drinker, France is known for its fine wines as well. There is much to explore in Toulouse and my limited time while on work travel only gave me a peek into what Toulouse has to offer. If you are looking at some other things to do while in Toulouse, check out the Musée Aeroscopia, which is located near the airport, or about an hour drive outside of the city you can visit the city of Carcassonne, which has a 2,500 year history along side a castle.

What are your favorite things to do here?

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