My blackberry app of the week is Slacker, its a music play on your desktop,  blackberry, iphone, or their own slacker g2. I am going to talk about it on my blackberry. It Plays music similar to Pandora or If you havent heard of any of those then you probably dont listen to streaming music much. You basicly pick a artist or genre, and it trys to play music similar. Slacker plays music from a  genre or artist. Since streaming music on anything pre-3G is kind of slow, they have caching option that allows you to download from your PC or Wi-Fi.  They recommend 500Mbytes per cached station.

My one complaint is, its slow for a blackberry app, delayed when moving from menu to menu.

Does anyone else have any good streaming music apps for Blackberry other then Slacker? How do you like your streaming music player?

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One thought on “Blackberry App: Slacker

  1. I had just started using Slacker at work and really like it. Then I see you wrote a recomendation for it.

    how timely.

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