August Update

August 23rd, 2012 | Posted by tonyscha in Personal

Wow time flies, its the END of summer already. I am not sure where this extremely hot summer went, but I know I have logged some miles (running). I ran a half marathon back in May of this year, well I decided to run another half marathon (New Bo Fest). I believe I am in a little better shape this time around, I have a soft goal shaving off 10 minutes off my total time, which was about 2:34, so hopefully I can pull off a 2:24 half marathon and I will be happy. I did get some new Vibrams five fingers since my other ones were starting to fall apart after approximately 300 miles. Once I complete this, I am planning on running a full marathon in 2013. While the Vibrams are awesome for summer months, I will need to find some winter shoes once the snow starts flying. The Vibrams are not insulated or waterproof.

One of my other goals is to find a technical project to work on it my spare time and post about it. If you have any ideas let me know!

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